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34 total results found
DXpedition is a combination of two words: DX (distant station) and expedition, which means a long distance radio (amateur) station is heard and/or contacted. I am keen of "activating" rare locations, which requires travelling to unusual places. Greatest DXpedi...
To listen and/or operate on air, radio amateur needs some kind of equipment. Generally, there are two significant parts: receiving and transmitting. To receive signals, we need antennas, antanna feeding cables, impedence matchinng units (also known as antenna ...
FI - Finland
The country of lakes and saunas, not only.
FR - France
The country of baguettes and cheese. Not limited to :)
RU - Russia
Bears in the cities, crazy drivers and rest propaganda you see on Internet .. true.
UAE - United Arab Emirates
Fairy tale. It is.
SA - Saudi Arabia
Sand, extreme sun suring summer.
TR - Turkey
Delicious food, good servce. Good locations.
EC - Ecuador
I have been to Ecuador in the end of 2014, while participating in DXpedition to Galapagos Islands.
NO - Norway
EG - Egypt
TN - Tunisia
ES - Spain
UK - United Kingdom
SE - Sweden
OM - Oman
IT - Italy
GE - Georgia
Informative portal, guide on how to Install and Use applications (workstation/desktop, server, mobile and cloud based). []
Porting AALog3 from Delphi to Lazarus (Object Pascal)