soldered thick cables to 48V PSU (set to 53.7V) for PA
laboratory fully packed and getting ready to move
spoke to another friend about basic physics regarding vehicle handling, clutch, gearing boxed, sparks and ignition timing
attended Finnish Independence Day celebration at the Riyadh Embassy. It was great to see the president of Finnish Republic Mrs. Tarja Halonen in person and listen to her speech.
collaborated regarding business management tasks
visited outskirts of Riyadh for looking at sunset
purchased Thermos made in Japan
accomplished long-lasting tasks (specially important before end of the year)
enjoyed a litre of fresh carrot juice
began to sketch with pencil and purchased sketchbook (A5 size)
attended Apple Partner event
cleaned wardrobe
finished a small housekeeping tasks
got through planner and calendar to see results of the year
attended four flights
purchased a new planner, daily and financial journals (A5 sizes)
purchased a lined copybook to continue to work on handwriting improvement
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